Tuesday, 15 March 2016

how to remove acne on the face

How to how to remove acne on the face ?
Acne is a very disturbing problem that faces someone's appearance. A person with acne will diminish his confidence.

Actually a pimple it is a natural thing. So do not be ashamed or angry - angry if there arises acne on the face. Better to prevent than to cure, the following are some of the causes of the growth of acne on our face.

remove acne, not to do when we're acne
1. Because of Heredity or Genetic Factors
2. Since the activity of hormones or hormone akbiat decline in women
3. Due to the male hormone testosterone
4. Caused by the oil glands are very active (Hyperactivity)
5. There is bacteria in the pores of the skin
6. Side effects of Stress
7. Caused by a wide range of air pollution
8. As a result we often face scratching and irritation causing acne
9. Anabolic Steroids
10. Because of the bad blood
11. Type Acne will appear depending on our age too
12. Too much chocolate
13. There was a blockage of the pore - pore face caused by dead skin cells are not lifted
Memimun 14. Lack of water also can cause acne
15. Too much smoking and drinking alcohol
16. As a result of allergies to cosmetics
17. Lack of vitamin A in the body. Examples of foods containing vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach
18. The lack of consumption of foods containing vitamin B2 such as fish, milk
19. Often holds that magnifies acne pimples
20. Too often touch the face when our hands are full of bacteria
21. Too often exposed to direct sunlight
22. Less skin hygiene
23. Rarely face wash, face wash when activity should be done when you wake up after activity
24. Due to the never diberihkan hair can also cause acne. because dirty hair often stick to the face.

Apparently a lot of things can make us become the face of acne. Even simple things can make your face become damaged and unhealthy.

So, what not to do when we're acne.?
Here are the things that should not be done or is not advisable to do as facial acne.
1. Too often wash your face
Many believe that acne appears due to a dirty face. However, that does not mean you have to continue to wash your face. Frequent washing of the face to exfoliate the skin oil, thus making the body produce more oil and thus trigger acne more.
2. Too many care products
Try not to smear your face with two or more acne treatment products at once per day. This will only make your skin from becoming too dry and irritated. Try also not to overuse acne treatment products, use 1-2 times a day in the morning or evening.
3. Pressing Acne
When you see a lot of acne appears on the face, sometimes appears a desire to push to disappear and not grow again. Pressing acne will only aggravate acne and cause scars.
4. Rub the acne or acne scars
Too often rub the acne can cause irritation and aggravate acne. Your skin may be sensitive and should be treated gently, try not to rub with a rag harshly.
5. Desperate
Indeed, acne does not go away sometimes made some people stress that could have led to despair. If you care products do not work well in acne, then consult with experts / skin doctor or dermatologist about the type of acne that does not heal the
6. Using a mobile phone screen is dirty
Your face producing oil and perspiration. When calling, you attach a face to the mobile phone screen, so oil and sweat on your mobile phone screen and is a source of bacterial growth. Clean the dirty phone screen according to the instructions given. Also wash your pillowcases and towels regularly, because when you sleep, your face pressed into the pillow and bacteria will stick in the pillowcase. So it is with your towel.
7. Eat sweet foods, starchy and fatty
Foods that can aggravate acne remains controversial, although there is little research linking a variety of foods with acne. Many say that when your acne, then you should reduce the consumption of sugary, starchy and fatty.

That was some yan things we should not do when we were pimply face.
Furthermore, what can be rid of acne that has already exist in our face.?

Here is a natural substance that can eliminate acne on the face.
1. Lemon / Lime
Lemon, lime and fruits contain citric acid countrymen are very rich, which is very good citric acid to remove cells dead skin that can cause acne. The trick is to mix the juice / lemon juice with rose water and then apply on face and leave for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water. The application of this therapy regularly and consistently for 15 days will give the results are quite remarkable use and see what happens (already much to prove, including me).
2. White Eggs
The trick is, separate the yolk and egg white grab. Whisk briefly and then apply to face and let sit for 15 minutes. The egg white will help reduce oil on the face that often causes acne.
3. Tomatoes
This fruit other than good for eye health is also quite effective at removing black comedones (blackheads). The first thing to do is slice the tomatoes in half and rub over the face with acne and leave for 15 minutes - 1 hour and then rinse. and eat it to care of the inside.
4. Toothpaste
Do almost the same premises both of the above. Apply toothpaste on pimples and other parts around the pimples before sleeping. Let sit overnight / until the morning and then rinse with clean water.
5. Aloe Vera
Take a leaf of aloe vera, cut into several parts, peel the outer skin, apply at the emerging pimples, and repeat doing this way every morning and afternoon. If we are diligent, acne may be able to dry up and flake off for 3 days. Besides aloe vera is also capable of removing acne scars on the face.
6. Garlic
There are two options in using garlic to get rid of acne. First with two or more mashing garlic until quite smooth and then applied to the facial acne. Let stand for 10 minutes then rinse. While the second way is to take one or more of garlic every day.
Many say the way is quite effective, but for those of you who do not like the smell of garlic may be better to resort to the other. Do not worry there are many other natural ways which I will explain below.
7. Always Clean Face
Always face daily hygiene care of dirt and dust on the road. For we are always active and dealing with dust in the road, so be diligent to wash up before or after the activity. As consumption from the inside, then multiply eating vegetables and drinking water. Those who do not like vegetables, then fruits containing water may be an alternative in treating the face of the deep. Because the content contained in fruits and vegetables are believed to make your face more clean and radiant.
Such is the natural way to get rid of pimples on the face.

Hopefully this article causes and how to get rid of acne is beneficial for all readers.
thank you

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