Each person would want a bright face and naturally healthy. Having a healthy and bright face becomes a pride for its owner. But to get a bright face a
natural person must be diligent to treat the face. If the face is the lack of maintenance it is not healthy in the face but a face that can dull and dry.
The few things that make the face become dull and dry is as follows.
1. Less intake of nutrients from fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins that are good for skin health
2. Factor genetic offspring
3. Less consumption of water
4. Side effects of the drug or skin cream used
To overcome the dull skin we can use materials - natural ingredients that are easy to get around us. The natural way is highly recommended because in addition to healthy will also make beautiful and youthful face.
Here are the natural ingredients to brighten dull skin.
Tomatoes contain vitamin C which is very high. The content is what can make the tomato makes the skin more bright. Use a mask tomatoes or tomato spread every night so that the skin becomes dull natural bright and healthy.
Aloe vera
In addition to be trusted to make healthy hair, aloe vera can also be used for facial skin that is dull. The content of vitamin E in these plants is very good to exfoliate dead skin. By applying aloe vera gel evenly on the face can make the face feel the sensation of cold is soothing and makes dead skin cells and dirt picked up everything. If done on a regular basis then we will get skin clean and healthy natural.
Egg whites
Inside the egg white protein contained very nice to brighten dull skin. Besides these natural materials can also cope with excess facial oils. Use this mask every other day to keep skin healthy and bright your face naturally.
How to overcome the dull face naturally also be done by using a banana. Bananas contain vitamin E, which is great for skin health. Use a banana mask once every two days to overcome the dull skin. With regular usage can make the face becomes brighter and healthier.
Such as bananas, avocados also contained vitamin E is good to brighten dull skin and oily. Use avocado mask every two days so that facial skin was dull to be healthy and natural bright.
Pumpkin fruit helps brighten faces dull due to oily and acne. How to use it is easy enough to soften the fruit and apply evenly to the face for about 30 minutes then rinse with warm water.
Besides tomatoes, paprika turns can also be made into face masks busting dull. Use a mask peppers every morning or evening for 20 to 30 minutes then rinse with clean water. The content of vitamin E and antioxidants that are in peppers can help brighten dull oily face naturally and quickly. Regular use will make the face look clean shine.
Ice Cube
Ice cubes can also cope with the skin is dull. Simply by rubbing ice cubes evenly on the face every day, the skin cells are dead will be raised. Thus, face dull due to dirt and dead skin cells will soon be replaced with a natural radiant face.
Please select one of the above ways to tackle dull skin and oily. The natural materials used would prevent us from the risk of skin pale and dry as the use of drugs or chemicals.
Although the process is quite long but how to cope with oily dull face with natural ingredients will not harm the face. Face it will be more healthy and youthful. For that limit the use of facial creams that contain chemicals and switch was to use natural ingredients to keep skin beautiful and healthy.
So how to overcome dull skin with natural ingredients. Hopefully this information is helpful to us all. thank you
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